Category: Sports
Tags: prankschallengesextreme failsnitro circusroccoskate parksbikeroccopiazzavlogsdirt bikesrampsrocco videostrampolinescooterfailskidsyoutubersinsane 7 year oldsport failssportsminibmxrocco piazzamotorcyclesdirthoverboardtricksdirtbikingamusement parksepicextreme sportsfunny kidsbackflipsroller bladeskid failswater parksvlogoffroadingcrazyfamilyskate boardingfunflip failsworlds best
Description: Hey my name is Rocco and I am 12 years old living the dream in California. I post videos of my life that include my family, scootering, motocross, BMX, mountain biking, motorcycles, quads, jet skies, boating, extreme sports, challenges, pranks, holidays, amusement parks, roller coasters, music, collabs, water parks,, games, travels and many other crazy, fun things. Be sure to subscribe to my channel and watch daily. Love all the fans who support me and don't make time for the haters! Follow Rocco on: Instagram: Business email: #dirtbike #youtubers #vlog #vlogger #motorcycle #atv (choose 3) Thanks for watching the video [Insert Video Title Here]